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To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps::

  1. Write a cheque payable to Archdiocese of Kisumu CJPC 

Or to the A/c Number: 1000932848 - NCBA BANK


Lipa na M-pesa

Paybill number: 4023373

A/c name: Your name, parish, school or institution

  1. On the memo line of the cheque or M-pesa, indicate that the donation is for "Caritas Kisumu"
  2. Email Us:

Caritas Kisumu

P.O. Box 1728-40100 Kisumu, SIFA Hse (3rd Flr), Along Mission Road, Off Kakamega Rd

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(+254) 710 698 146 & (+254) 762 939 165


Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!

Donation Total: KSh 100.00