Welcome to Caritas Kisumu A Commission for the Promotion of Integral Human Development in the Catholic Archdiocese of Kisumu Donate Now
We're the hand of Christ, reaching out to help the poor In our activities of listening to the cry of the poor, we reach out to cushion the People with Disabilities from the adverse effects of Covid-19 pandemic Donate Now
Our mission To promote integral human development so that all peoples, particularly the poor and most disadvantaged ones are free to flourish and live in peace and dignity. We work to take care of our common home Donate Now

Our Programs

It’s our mission to  promote integral human development so that all peoples, particularly the poor and most disadvantaged ones are free to flourish and live in peace and dignity


We involve citizens in the process of change, especially through their participation in policy making process on matters which directly affect their lives. In partnership with CSOs, FBOs, both State and Non-State Actors

Lenten Campaign

we carry out a campaign to inform the public of the problems affecting society and we call them into action. As such Lenten Campaign is an annual special form of advocacy inspired fully by the readings of the 5 Sundays that cover the Season


We reach out to households, majority of whom are female-headed, to practice sustainable agriculture which is also eco-friendly and we strive to position the youth at the forefront of farming activities

Climate Change

Climate change is becoming one of the most serious challenges to Kenya’s achievement of its development goals as described under Vision 2030. Kenya is already highly susceptible to climate-related hazards, and in many areas, extreme events and variability of weather are now the norm; rainfall is irregular and unpredictable; while droughts have become more frequent during the long rainy season and severe floods during the short rains


We help people to rebuild life after emergencies and help them to be prepared for future disasters

Listening to the Cry of the Poor

we reach out to cushion the People with Disabilities from the adverse effects of Covid-19 pandemic, we offer them food and non-food items, and we provide wheelchairs to those without. This has been made possible by our partners.
Quote of the day

In his intention for May, 2023, Pope Francis prays that ecclesial movements and groups might daily rediscover their evangelizing mission. Pope Francis is dedicating his May prayer intention to ecclesial movements and groups, which says are a “gift” and a “treasure” in the Church.

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Featured Campaigns

Archdiocese of Kisumu Education Fund (ADOK E-FUND

ADOK E-FUND seeks to join the other stakeholders who have tried to supplement a bridging in the provision for education to needy pupils facing such predicaments.
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